Sunday, December 15, 2019

Playing Music in the Classroom

Hi everyone!

It's almost time for winter break and as a teacher I know, it's hard to get our guys back on task and calm. We all have so many tips and tricks that we use and today, I thought I would share one of mine.

The strategy I like to use is playing instrumental music in the classroom.  The songs are a mix of pop and musicals, and a lot of them the kids already know.  They are always humming along while I play the music during writing time, station time, independent time, etc. It calms my guys down and keeps them focused on their task.

My Spotify Playlist 

I do set rules for the music.  I set the playlist at a low volume and if I can't hear it because they are talking or I see that they are off task, I turn it off. Honestly, in the beginning of the year, I usually do have to turn it off a few times, but the kids like the music so much they learn to quiet down so that they can listen.

My students also really find artists that they like (right now it's The Piano Guys). When they like a particular artist, I will go to you tube and see if I can find music videos by that/those artist(s), and show it to my class (if it's appropriate of course).  In fact, I just played the Piano Guys latest song  "All I Want for Christmas", in collaboration with Lego, for them and they beg me to play it often!

They get excited and want to go home and put it on their own playlists. I can't tell you how many parents have asked me about certain artists! It's also another way to bring music education into the classroom, and expose them to different genres of music. I will point out songs that I like, that they may not know, and the kids share with me ones that they like as well!

If you want you can follow along to my playlist I have set up HERE. There are 197 songs currently (over 11 hours of songs so there is plenty to choose from). I update it often.

I hope that you have a great week and I will catch you on Friday for my Top 5 of the week. I am sure you know what at least one of those bullet points will be! :)

Friday, December 13, 2019

Top 5 Friday

Every Friday I post my Top 5 Favorites for the week. It has of a mix of personal and professional favorites of the week!

Hi everyone!

Another week done and closer to Winter Break! I hope you week has gone well and you are close to break yourself.

Top 5  for December 13 (Yikes! Friday the 13th!)
  • Poetry Coffeehouse: Every year, first grade does a poetry unit and we have a Poetry Coffeehouse. The kids sit in a circle of 4-5 and they take turns sharing a poem they wrote while their families come in and listen to the poems the children wrote. We even have kids snapping after each poem is read! This year they even made signs that I will put up outside of the classroom. 
Students made these signs for the coffeehouse

  • Recess Duty:  The Happiness Committee at my school (which I am a part of) had a raffle the other day to have our administration cover one of our recess duties (we have two 15 minute recesses everyday). I was one of the lucky ones to win! Can't wait to cash that in!

  • Hallmark Movies: I love Hallmark Christmas Movies! They are just the best. I plan on Binge watching even more this weekend. My favorite would have to be "A Royal Christmas". What's your favorite?

  • Nationals Signed Strasburg: I'm a big fan of the Nationals. While I am sad to see Rendon going to the Angels (I am sure he will do great things there), I am happy that the Nationals were able to get Strasburg back! He and Max Scherzer are a force to be reckoned with and hopefully will bring us another playoff berth next year! 

  • 5 Days Left:  I found this at Target in October and I have it in the teachers lounge. Not that I am counting, but after today, 5 days left until my two week Winter Break. How long do you have off?

What are your top 5? Let me know below! 

Here's hoping for another great week!


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Getting to know me

Hi there! Let me introduce myself to those of you who are new! My name is Meg Russell, and I am a first grade teacher. I have been teaching for 14 years, all in first grade! I love teaching first grade. I also have my ESOL endorsement, and I love finding new ways to differentiate my instruction to meet the needs of all of my students.
I have 2 cats, Will and Jack, I got them a little over a year ago. They are very mischievous and affectionate! 

Will is the orange cat and Jack is the dark one

I am also a fan of baseball and my favorite team are the World Series champions 2019 the Washington Nationals! I try to get to as many games as I possibly can during the season. Nats Park is my home away from home!
I can’t wait to start blogging and sharing not only some things I do in the classroom, but also sharing things about my life as well. Every Friday I will post my top 5 for the week. It will be a mash up of things that I happened to me in the classroom and in my personal life.
I can’t wait to share everything with you and get to know you as well. I love getting ideas from other teachers about what is going well in the classroom and ideas that I can use!
Don’t forget to follow me on instagram @ms1bteach