Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Getting to know me

Hi there! Let me introduce myself to those of you who are new! My name is Meg Russell, and I am a first grade teacher. I have been teaching for 14 years, all in first grade! I love teaching first grade. I also have my ESOL endorsement, and I love finding new ways to differentiate my instruction to meet the needs of all of my students.
I have 2 cats, Will and Jack, I got them a little over a year ago. They are very mischievous and affectionate! 

Will is the orange cat and Jack is the dark one

I am also a fan of baseball and my favorite team are the World Series champions 2019 the Washington Nationals! I try to get to as many games as I possibly can during the season. Nats Park is my home away from home!
I can’t wait to start blogging and sharing not only some things I do in the classroom, but also sharing things about my life as well. Every Friday I will post my top 5 for the week. It will be a mash up of things that I happened to me in the classroom and in my personal life.
I can’t wait to share everything with you and get to know you as well. I love getting ideas from other teachers about what is going well in the classroom and ideas that I can use!
Don’t forget to follow me on instagram @ms1bteach

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